Deep within a thriving ant colony, a quiet connection forms between a worker and a soldier an unspoken bond. But when a deadly fungal infection invades their world, order collapses, and their fragile connection is tested in unimaginable ways. Climb is a haunting tale of love, loss, and the unrelenting forces of nature
Deep within a thriving ant colony, a quiet connection forms between a worker and a soldier an unspoken bond. But when a deadly fungal infection invades their world, order collapses, and their fragile connection is tested in unimaginable ways. Climb is a haunting tale of love, loss, and the unrelenting forces of nature
Deep within a thriving ant colony, a quiet connection forms between a worker and a soldier an unspoken bond. But when a deadly fungal infection invades their world, order collapses, and their fragile connection is tested in unimaginable ways. Climb is a haunting tale of love, loss, and the unrelenting forces of nature